Purchasing Your First Stem NFT

Stems can be purchased by music fans and NFT collectors to earn royalties from new future music created with stems. Each stem NFT is unique and represents owning a unique piece of the song in question
make sure you have a crypto wallet with some MATIC for the purchase.
Buy Your First NFT
Our first collection "dear" is created by musicians and cofounders Radniik and Ander.
Once you are on the collection page you can listen to the song, watch a snippet highlight and view the stems. You can also click the "stems" tab to view the stems that have already been minted.
Click the "mint the stems!" button in the collection banner
Click "mint" button and confirm the transactions in your wallet to own a part of this song and support the artists!!!
As remixes are created with the stem you own over time, you will be able to earn royalties from that stem.
Once all the stems of a collection are minted, the collection is sold out and the only way to acquire a stem if someone else tries to sell it on the secondary market.
Thank you so much for your support, it means the world to us!
View Your Collected Stem NFTs in Your Profile
Go to your profile (click the profile picture in the navigation bar) and then click the "my sounds" NFT
Missed the Mint? Buy It From Someone Else!
Head to a collection page and click the “stems” tab to see which stems are available for repurchase

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